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"We Can Always Return": New Year's A Chance to Make New Goals, Refocus

By Adam Grobman

While New Year’s Eve celebrations will be marked by smaller gatherings this year, one thing will remain the same: millions of people will promise to improve themselves, shake off bad habits, and set goals to achieve throughout the year.

“Goals need to be realistic, achi…

Kristallnacht Commemoration To Take Place Onlie

By Lillian Rappaport

The entire community is invited to join with us on Thursday evening, October 29 from 5:30-6:30pm as we observe the 82nd anniversary of Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass, an event that marked the beginning of the end for European Jewry. 

We will be joining a vir…

Linda Schwab’s New Book Tells Story of Holocaust, After

by Adam Grobman

Linda Schwab has been educating people about the Holocaust for a long time. Now, her words and experience will educate for decades to come.

Earlier this year, Linda published her book Displaced: A Holocaust Memoir and the Road to a New Beginning, with co-author Dr. Todd M. …

Dispatches from the Field - My Experience at the AJC Conference

Rabbi Sam Yolen, Congregation Beth Israel, Lebanon


It was no small accident that I attended the latest American Jewish Committee (AJC) conference in Washington DC.


At an adult Jewish camp (Camp Nai Nai in Waynesboro PA) I met an individual who works for the AJC, and thusly, …