On August 23, community members congratulated Rabbi Eric Cytryn on his retirement from Beth El Temple after 17 years of service. Following a zoom program honoring Rabbi Cytryn, an in-person parade was held, giving participants the opportunity to say goodbye.
Stuart Malina, Musical Director of Harrisburg Symphony Orchestra, wrote and presented the following song for the occasion.
‘Bout twenty years ago
I can still remember when my phone rang out at Hershey Park.
‘Twas Eli Havivi on the line,
My Greensboro Rabbi at the time,
My six years there, he really left a mark.
He said, “You are a lucky guy,
I’m best friends with your new rabbi.
He looks, as you will see, a
lot like Jerry Garcia.
He told me lots of lovely things –
How sweet he was, how well he sings –
Well, here we are after twenty Springs.
It’s time to say Goodbye.
So Bye, Bye to our beloved Rabbi,
With his New York Mets kippah and his Grateful Dead tie.
And Hebrew School kids singing “Am Yisroel Chai.”
I know I’m already missing that guy.
I’m already missing that guy.
Who is that engaging dreama’
The bearded wonder at the bimah,
With the smile that never ends?
His “Ozi v’zimrat yah” and the way he davens the Amidah,
You feel our prayers to God ascend.
And who’d have thought we’d come so far –
A Friday service with guitar –
The congregation sings –
Such kavanah he brings!
If Torah readers he couldn’t rope,
His leining skills were our final hope.
Sometimes he even nailed the trope.
And now we say goodbye. And so we’re singin’…
Bye, Bye to our beloved Rabbi…
On chaggim we’d dance the hora,
“Yesh lanu tayish” on Simchas Torah,
Benched lulav on Sukkot.
At Ask the Rabbi, he’d fill our minds,
With rites and mitzvot of all kinds,
Kept us engaged late nights on Shavuot.
And how our hearts began to throb
When he came to Purim as Sponge Bob.
The look was such a thrilla’,
He upstaged the Megillah!
Another time we gasped aloud,
When a super hero joined the crowd,
Amy’s never been so proud.
But now we say goodbye. He’ll hear us singin’…
Bye, Bye to our beloved Rabbi…
So many B’nai Mitzvah,
With the Rabbi’s help on divrai Torah,
Made me proud to be a Jew.
Too many times he would have to grapple
With grief and tears at the Beth El Chapel,
His menschlichkeit would see us through.
I have to say it was rather oddish
To see a Bishop saying Kaddish.
His interfaith ideas
Burst open our frontiers!
But the moments I would most rejoice
Were the times I heard that amazing voice.
Beth El’s search committee made a perfect choice.
But now we say Goodbye. And so we’re singin’…
Bye, Bye to our beloved Rabbi…
Summer weeks at Camp Ramah,
Great times with Jacob and Tamar,
And memories of yesteryear.
The only things he loved as well, was seeing
Sarah and Gabi in Yisroel.
The homeland that he holds so dear.
But the girl who always brings a smile
Is his one and only eshet chayil.
Yes, Eric’s truly blessed –
His Amy is the best!
This power couple can’t be beat.
Her warmth and humor are such treat.
She even knows how to knot tzitzit!
But now, we say Goodbye. She’ll hear us singin’…
Bye, Bye to our beloved Rabbi…
I knew that when the grandkids came,
Our Rabbi’s heart we could never claim.
Our time with him would soon expire.
Skype and FaceTime, off and on,
With Sam, Micha, Hilly, Miri, Maayan –
Would amplify his urge to retire.
We wish the best to saba and safta,
With tears of joy and peals of laughter.
And so, before the coda –
We say “yasher koach” and “todah”
I’d like to add to the above
My own true, heartfelt “mazel tov”.
With friendship, thanks, and deepest love.
It’s time to say goodbye.
Bye, Bye to our beloved Rabbi.
With his NY Mets kippah and his Grateful Dead tie.
And Hebrew School kids singing “Am Yisroel Chai.”
I know I’m already missing that guy.