by Roberta Krieger
I wish you all a very Happy and Healthy New Year.
Before I go into detail and fill you in about all the interesting programs that our great Senior Advisor, Cheryl Yablon, scheduled for us, I must start out with a big APOLOGY to Anita Post, who I neglected to mention has been nice enough to help out and lead our meetings. Anita, for all of your efforts, we thank you!
On Tuesday, December 14th, we had our business meeting and birthday party. As usual, we had a large "lox-loving" crowd. For those of you who don't understand, our Business Meeting is referred to as "lox Tuesday" because lox is always on the menu, accompanied either by Norman's delicious noodle pudding or blintzes. We welcomed our new members and discussed some plans for the future. As a member of the Senior Club, you should try to come and voice your opinions on any and all matters that interest you. Suggestions are always welcomed. Of course birthday cake is always on the menu to celebrate those members having birthdays that month.
On Thursday, December 16th, once again we were a captive audience for Retired Army Colonel, John Maietta, who lectured on Pioneers of Today's World. We've come a long way from the inventions of the telephone, printing press, and photography, to name just a few. Can't imagine what the next 100 years will bring. According to Elon Musk, some of us will be living on Mars.
On Tuesday, December 21st, artist Susan Leviton gave us both a verbal and visual presentation on Paper Cut Art. To say it was mind boggling is putting it mildly. We, the audience, sat with mouths agape. For those of you who were fortunate enough to be there, and, for those of you who through word of mouth, have an interest to delve into this more thoroughly, there is a museum in Somerset, PA: The Guild of American Paper Cutters Museum , 214 So. Harrison Avenue, Somerset, PA. They can be reached at 814-443-2433. This program followed another one of Norman Gras's great lunches.
On Thursday, December 23rd, Vincent Onomastico, of Beltone Hearing, spoke about the symptoms, causes, and effects of hearing loss. The follow-up to this program is scheduled and will include FREE Hearing Aid Cleanings, FREE hearing screenings, and consultations for those of you who have an interest.
Unfortunately, here is where the fun stops! Due to the spike in the highly contagious Omicron variant of COVID, the balance of December's programs were cancelled and hopefully will be rescheduled for a later date, TBA. After discussions with the JCC Medical Advisors, we will be informed of the safest ways for us to be together.
Hope you all stay well, are properly vaccinated, and responsibly wear masks; and, that soon we will be able to wish each other a Very Happy and Healthy New Year in person.