by Roberta Krieger
I'm writing this article "pre" Memorial Day, while you will receive it days after, when pools are open and outside activities the main attraction.
On Tuesday, May 3rd, our Current Events Moderator, Jeff Jacobs, led us through some heated discussions. However, we parted amicably and no POWs were taken. Lunch was the "Impossible Burger." With all of Norman's great sides, it definitely was very "possible" to enjoy it.
On Thursday, May 5th, after a much-favored lunch of baked salmon and orzo by our caterer, Norman Gras, Cheryl showed the movie The Last Time I Saw Paris. All the old-time movie buffs thoroughly enjoyed this film.
On Tuesday, May 10th, we had our installation of officers for May 2022-May 2024. The few changes were, Nancy Bayuk, after nine years of being our President, is now President Emeritus. Thank you Nancy for all the time you gave us of yourself. Her successor, Anita Post, was installed as President for the two-year term of May 2022-May 2024 and Heather Jackson was installed as our Social Vice President. Those that remain in their positions are Beverly Gorny, Corresponding Secretary; Lois Morgan, Recording Secretary, and Roberta Krieger, Membership Vice-President and Publicity. Congratulations to the newly installed. As far as the repeaters go, you knew what you were getting into again, so good luck!
On Thursday, May 12th, Holocaust Educator, Lillian Rappaport, showed the ABC TV Movie Special The Wave. It was quite scary to actually see how quickly one learns to follow others rather than think for themselves. We discussed whether or not we thought this film would be good to use in classrooms as an aid to teaching about the Holocaust. We were sorry when time was up and Lillian had to leave. Fortunately, we will have her do a ten- lesson program about the Holocaust for us, once a month. Prior to this program, we had lunch consisting of a tuna salad platter which was highlighted by noodle (kugel) pudding a la Norman. Nobody says no to that.
There are many interesting programs that are scheduled for rest of the month. Hopefully you were signed up for them.
On Tuesday, May 17th, retired Army Colonel, John Maietta, will do part two of his lecture on "A Journey Through the History and Culture of Russia.” I’m sure it will be as interesting as part one. On Thursday, May 19th, Rabbi Ron Muroff, of Chisuk Emuna will speak about "Standing Again at Sinai: Getting Ready for Shavuot." On Tuesday, May 24th, Rabbi Peter Kessler, of Temple Ohev Shalom, will explore "The Importance of Laughter in our Lives." On Thursday, May 26th, Susquehanna Middle School Strings and Orchestra will do a program for us and on Tuesday, May 31st, the Silver Academy children will perform Honk, Jr.
The abovementioned programs will take place after this article was written. I will give you the highlights in the next issue.
Hope you stay well, are properly vaccinated, and responsibly wear masks.
Looking forward to seeing you at lunch. Take care.