by Roberta Krieger
The month of July started off, NOT with a bang, but with Resonator Bells. On Tuesday, July 2nd, we had our annual picnic lunch of burgers, hot dogs, and our wonderful caterer, Norman Gras' delicious coleslaw and potato salad. Our amazing advisor, Cheryl Yablon, once again, came up with an after lunch program that was fun for all.
Barbara Martinetti gave us lessons on how to play a few tunes on Resonator Bells. We had a blast. Get ready AGT (America’s Got Talent), here we come. If you weren't among the lucky seniors at this program, I would definitely make a reservation for the next time we are fortunate enough to have Barbara return. We are all looking forward to making music again.
On Tuesday, July 9th, during our business meeting, a vote was taken and the raffle prizes are now back to $5. It was decided that more winners were better.
On Wednesday, July 10th, Cheryl Kugler, our most talented artist-in-residency, came up with some new projects for us. Read more about the program in the article by Mary Klaus in this issue.
On Thursday, July 11th, Rabbi Peter Kessler entertained us. All I can say is we had an afternoon of laughing, laughing… and more laughing. He is so amazing. We sincerely hope he will be good enough to join us again real soon.
By the time you have this issue in your hands, July will be over. This means that many much looked-forward-to programs have gone from future expectations to promises fulfilled. Nanci Reinhart will have helped us transfer pictures from one device to another, a fun-filled afternoon of Bingo will have passed, and we will have been awed by our long awaited concert by David Kopp. These and our bus trip to American Music Theatre to see Ovation, preceded by lunch at Miller’s Smorgasbord, and the challenges faced by those playing in the Millionaire Game will be reviewed in my next column.
If you are not already a member of the Senior Adult Club, now is the time to join. For $20 per person you will have paid membership for August 2019 through the year 2020. A better deal is hard to find.
Hope to see you soon.