On 7/1/21, the Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg, ADL Philadelphia, Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Harrisburg, and Pennsylvania Jewish Coalition issued the following statement in response to Congressman Scott Perry's (PA-10) speech at the Pennsylvania Leadership Conference on June 11.
We are deeply troubled by Congressman Scott Perry’s use of Nazi analogies during a June 11 speech at the Pennsylvania Leadership Conference. These types of references are offensive and painful, particularly to people whose family members perished in the Holocaust or fighting in WWII. It is alarming that elected officials continue to recklessly make such comparisons, minimizing the genocide of millions of people. It is particularly troubling when elected officials analogize the actions or beliefs of their political opponents to those of Nazis. Politics has always provoked passionate debate, but we cannot tolerate political comparisons to the most heinous crimes against humanity. Leaders should inspire and help their constituents, not feed the flames of hatred.
Congressman Perry must repudiate these offensive and painful comments. We have requested a meeting with the Congressman to discuss why these references are offensive and have no place in civic or political discourse and hope he accepts the invitation. We further urge the Congressman to expand his awareness of the Holocaust, including visiting the U.S. Holocaust Museum, to learn about the atrocities of the Nazis and hopefully better understand why such offensive rhetoric is so hurtful.
ADL Philadelphia
Jewish Federation of Greater Harrisburg
Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Harrisburg
Pennsylvania Jewish Coalition