by Roberta Krieger
It's hard to believe by the time you get this issue of the Community Review, it will be the end of February. Upon rethinking this, it might be too presumptive of me to say end of February, as opposed to some point in March. Today's mail delivery is not too far removed from the Pony
Express. For some of my friends, to have mail in their mailbox is like a holiday treat, even if it is only junk mail.
On Tuesday, February 1st - after a fabulous lunch of matzoh ball soup and chicken stir-fry catered by our fabulous caterer, Norman Gras - Jeff Jacobs, our kind volunteer current events moderator, started off with a few words about the Historic B'nai Jacob Synagogue in Middletown, PA. Then, the boxing match started. It's hard to remain quiet and stay in one's seat when politics enters the picture. Come join us on the first Tuesday of most months, and see for yourself.
On Thursday, February 3rd, with a last minute program change, we had the privilege of hearing Lillian Rappaport speak about the Holocaust. Listening to Lillian made us all wish she were our teacher and we were back in school. She is absolutely fabulous. We were riveted to our seats. Not one person wanted her to end the program and she was given a standing ovation. We are hoping that Lillian will come again and continue enlightening us about the so many facts we had no knowledge of. Prior to Lillian's amazing program we enjoyed a delicious lunch of stuffed pepper and smashed potatoes. Once again I will say how thankful we are to have Norman Gras cater our meals.
As of this writing we have many other programs scheduled, by our irreplaceable Senior Advisor, Cheryl Yablon, for the balance of February.
Tuesday, February 8th, Business Meeting and Birthday Party
Thursday, February 10th, Young Frankenstein movie will be shown after lunch
Tuesday, February 15th, John Maietta will lecture about Mark Twain
Thursday, February 17th, Game Day
Tuesday, February 22nd, "Terri Time" Terri Travers, our Sports and Recreation Director will present a program on the necessity of exercise and the resulting benefits
Thursday, February 24th, Consumer Outreach Specialist with the PA Department of Banking and Securities, will present a program on Cybersecurity and tips for online shopping"
The abovementioned programs will all have taken place after this article was written. I will fill you in on all the details in my articles following the programs.
Hope you stay well, are properly vaccinated, and responsibly wear masks.