by Roberta Krieger
I'm sure we are all in agreement (definitely not a normal occurrence) that we welcome spring. Hopefully by the time you get this issue of the Community Review, the world will be in a better place.
On Tuesday, March 1st, Jeff Jacobs, our current events moderator, made sure our boxing gloves did not appear. As usual, our session with Jeff was very stimulating. We welcomed him with smiles on our faces because we had just finished another great lunch catered by Norman Gras.
Wednesday, March 2nd was the start date of our Artist in Residency classes. I count myself among the fortunate seniors because I, once again, elected to join this program. Our teacher, Cheryl Kugler, effortlessly guided us into areas unknown to many. For those of you who have Facebook, you can see the results of our first encounter with "rock balancing." To say it was fun is an understatement. That we lucked out with an artist of the caliber and personality of Cheryl Kugler (guess the name Cheryl is synonymous with greatness), is something we are thankful for.
On Thursday, March 3rd, Taneya Porter, a representative from Capital Blue Cross, gave us the true facts about "donut holes" when referring to the RX Medicare coverage gap. She was extremely knowledgeable with a delightful personality (everybody at my table wanted to adopt her), and explained it all in a manner that was easy to comprehend. Prior to Taneya's informative lecture, we had another of Norman's delectable lunches. We must give thanks to Norman as well as his sous-chefs (our very own super leader, Cheryl Yablon, among them...another feather in her cap) and all of the Senior Club members who volunteer to help out. We are a very lucky group of seniors.
Lots of other programs are scheduled for the balance of March – these programs will take place after the writing of this article but before you receive this copy of the Community Review, and I will give you the highlights in my next column. On Tuesday, the 8th, our business meeting. On Thursday, the 10th, Katy Krevsky will speak about Sound Healing. On Tuesday, the 15th, John Maietta's lecture on Morocco. On Thursday, the 17th, Rabbi Ron Muroff will speak about Purim. On Tuesday, the 22nd Bingo and Thursday, the 24th, movie day.
You still have a chance to call Cheryl to make a reservation for the following programs: On Tuesday, March 29th, Dr. Donald Koones, History Professor at HACC, will present a lecture about Frank Lloyd Wright, and last, but not least, on Thursday, March 31st, we will have game day. If Mah Jongg or Rummikub is not your choice, feel free to bring another game.
Looking forward to seeing you at a lunch in the near future.
Hope you stay well, are properly vaccinated, and responsibly wear masks where indicated.