By Roberta Krieger
Hopefully a good holiday was had by all. It was a time of joint celebration: Easter, Passover, and Ramadan.
By the time you receive this issue of the Community Review, the first week of the month of May will be over and we will be ready to start (if haven’t already) grilling outdoors and looking forward to getting into a pool, whether it be at Green Hills (a fabulous perk for members of the JCC) or at other locations.
The first program in April was on Tuesday, April 5th, with Current Events Moderator, Jeff Jacobs. As occurred in past meetings, the “weaponless war” continued. All I can say is we, the members of the Senior Adult Club, are not without opinions, and have absolutely no trouble letting our voices be heard. As is the norm, the battle will continue at our next current events
program in May.
Prior to our program, Norman Gras, once again outdid himself with a lunch of fish cakes that were the topic of conversation for days. Don’t want to laud him too much for fear that someone might steal him from us!
On Wednesday, April 6th, our Artist in Residency class did paintings of their versions of Sunflowers to show support for Ukraine. The Sunflower is the national flower of Ukraine. It symbolizes happiness, optimism, longevity, and peace. We are all praying that peace will be theirs in the very near future.
On Thursday, April 7th, our fabulous senior advisor, Cheryl Yablon, once again came up with something new to pique our interest. For the first time, we played Yiddish lotto. This was similar to bingo in that we had a card (or cards) In front of us with English words. Cheryl called out a word in Yiddish and we had to place a bean on our card in the proper spot if we had
the English translation. This was not too easy a task as many pronunciations varied among us. Most of us only knew a bissel (little) Yiddish, which we learned for our survival. Our parents and grandparents, when they wanted their conversations not to be understood by us, the “kinder” (children), they spoke in Yiddish. Needless to say there was a limited amount of time they could get away with this subterfuge. We became quite adept in comprehending what their conversations were about, unbeknownst to them. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to speak the Yiddish language, only understand it.
This program was preceded, not to be too repetitive, by another one of Norman Gras’ fabulous meatloaf lunches.
It is now official. Anita Post is now the President-elect of the Senior Adult Club. On Tuesday, April 12th, at our Lox/Business meeting/birthday party, a vote was taken. After ballots were counted the result was Anita Post will be our next President. Heather Jackson has graciously accepted the post of Social Vice-President. Installation will be held at the May Business Meeting.
On Wednesday, April 13th, our Artist in Residency class painted pictures using a process called striped art. Although there are a few people in the class who actually could be categorized as "artists," the majority of us are there for fun, and fun we do have! We are fortunate to have a very gifted teacher, Cheryl Kugler (the name Cheryl seems to be magical).
On April 14th, 19th and 21st, there were no lunches or programs scheduled because of Passover. However, Cheryl's Tuesday and Thursday morning exercise classes were held. The Mah Jongg and Rummikub players were welcomed to play in the Miller as they normally would do.
Programs scheduled for the balance of April are on Tuesday, April 26th, when John Maietta will do Part I of "A Journey Through History and Culture of Russia.” On Thursday, April 28th, Dr. Donald Koones will lecture on a Hollywood icon, Sidney Poitier. Hopefully you will have seen both of these much looked forward to programs, which would have taken place after this
article was written. I will give you the highlights in my next column.
Hope you stay well, are properly vaccinated, and appropriately wear masks.
Looking forward to seeing you at lunch. Take care.