by Roberta Krieger
Need a laugh? Want to meet new people? Come join us at the Senior Adult Club for a yummy lunch and a sure-to-be-enjoyed program that follows. Don't think we take things too seriously playing Bingo...after all, prizes are from the Dollar Store. You would think they were famous masterpieces or fine jewels if you heard the raucous laughter coming from the room. Heaven forbid you win more than once. Keep in mind that our fantastic advisor, Cheryl Yablon, makes sure that everyone who did not get a bingo, gets a prize anyway, before they leave. One day someone has to record us and play it back for some laughs. Well, that was our program on Tuesday, May 21st.
On Wednesday, May 22nd, we saw Camelot, a most delightful show, at the Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre. The cast was excellent as was the music and lyrics that lingered with us as we left the venue. As usual, a good time was had by all.
On Thursday, May 23rd, The Bethany Village Ensemble entertained us. They got the highest accolade: an invitation to come again. They played an excellent variety of songs and had us join them in a sing-along. Looking forward to their return.
On Tuesday, May 28th, after a delicious lunch of turkey salad, potato knish, and other assorted goodies provided by our Super caterer, Norman Gras, we had a wonderful "Dinner Theatre" experience right in our own Mary Sachs. Students from The Silver Academy presented us with a production of "Peter Pan." I still can't get over how professional they all were. To memorize all those lines and deliver them flawlessly was mind boggling. Kudos to all the future stars and to Marina Cherepinsky, who directed them. Needless to say, everyone else involved in the production deserves a round of applause, as well.
On Wednesday, May 29th, we had our fourth session of our Artist in Residency Program. We have been getting quite a bit of media attention. On the 15th of May, at the behest of our fabulous instructor, Cheryl Kugler, ABC27 came to check us out. I'm sure many of you had a peek of what was going on in class that day if you watched the news. On the 29th, we had several dignitaries from different agencies come speak with us and watch our "creativity" be transferred from our heads to paper, with several prompts from Cheryl K. It was a lesson on not letting outside stimuli get you so confused that you become upset and lose control of what you are doing. You can see us on the Federation page on Facebook.
On Thursday, May 30th, the 8th graders from the Susquehanna Township Middle School, under the direction of Dr. Nyce, came and gave us an award-worthy performance. Too bad there were no scouts in the audience because there certainly was an abundance of talent to be seen and heard. Hard to believe they were only 8th graders.
Our Farkle game is gaining in popularity and is played on Tuesday afternoons after our scheduled program. Mel and Harold will be more than happy to teach any interested people how to play. It is lots of fun. Likewise, Ellen would be available to teach Mah Jongg to those who would like to learn.
As there is a two week time lapse between the writing of articles and receiving the Community Review, several programs will have come to pass. On June 4th, we would have had game day.
At one of our previous Artist-in-Residency classes, we were asked to bring in a headshot of someone we love who has a sense of humor. Cheryl enlarged the photos, but did not tell us any additional information. This mystery will be solved during our June 5th class. There are so many possibilities where this can take us, I don't dare venture a guess.
We have made a few suggested revisions for the Millionaire game. We will put these into play on June 6th, and hopefully sooth the “wounded.” On the 11th, we would have had our Board Meeting and the 13th would have been the much awaited Part II of John Maietta's presentation on World War I.
On the 18th, Rabbi Ron Muroff would have done his program on "The Fire Within Us: A collection of personal reflections on Jewish teachings that inspire and animate our lives," the 19th, another session of our Artist in Residency Program and the 20th, Megan Miller, MPT of Core Physical Therapy would have done her discussion on "Pelvic Floor Dysfunction, Bladder Control and Core Strengthening." As you can see, there is no lack of variety with these much looked forward to programs, details of which will be forthcoming in my next column.
Hope to see you at the Senior Club...