CEO Letter 9.11.20

By Jenn Ross

Whether or not you celebrate the holiday, this Rosh Hashanah, I wish you a particularly sweet and healthy year ahead. You deserve it. I have many good wishes for you including:


May you cherish what you have gained and not suffer greatly from what you have lost.


Parents- I wish you strength and fortitude in the year ahead as you continue to deal with the additional challenges and concerns of the adaptive educational system.


Students- I hope you gain knowledge, wisdom, and strength, and have the opportunity to connect with peers and participate in activities that are meaningful to you.


Teachers, medical professionals, everyone serving in the military and emergency services, clergy, and all front line workers- may you be safe, appreciated, and have time for yourself and your families.


If you have felt lonely, I hope you find friendship and community.


For those of you who have struggled financially, I hope you overcome these challenges. Please let us know what your needs are so we can connect you to resources. You are not alone.


I hope you find purpose, spiritual solace, professional or academic achievement, personal satisfaction, and wellness.


If you have been in need of healing physically and/or emotionally, I hope you recover fully in the year ahead.


I wish many more blessings for you in the year ahead as you are all a blessing to me. Thank you for being such a cohesive and warm community. Even when we have needed to physically distance, we have not been socially distanced.


I hope to see you at the JCC in the near future if you are not still socially isolating or currently quarantining.  If you are, let’s connect by email, phone, or zoom.  Please let me know your thoughts and aspirations for the year ahead. I can be reached at or 717-236-9555 x3104.


L’shana tova. If I have insulted, harmed, or injured you, please forgive me.