Kudos, congratulations, and heartfelt thanks, to Julie Sherman and her Jewish Film Festival Committee for making our July Sunday and Wednesday evenings so thought provoking, entertaining, and stimulating. Our twice a week movie nights were wonderful and I looked forward to receiving the mid-afternoon emails telling me that the films were ready for viewing.
I loved all the movies; some surprised me; others challenged long held beliefs; others, I thought would not be of interest but surprisingly, fascinated me. In this time of social distancing, the films were a bright spot in my week; watching the Film Festival offerings felt almost like a return to normalcy.
Elef todot, a thousand thanks, to marvelous Julie and her dedicated committee for all their hard work and efforts to bring this extraordinary gift to us. Yashir kochachem--may you grow from strength to greater strength.
With much appreciation,
-- Lillian Rappaport
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